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Backed By Great People, 100% Customer Focused

The most important asset to our company, is our people. Our team was built with you as our focus.

Nancy Davison

Nancy J. Davison

Licensed Mortgage Loan OfficerNMLS#: 2083003

Licensed in Arizona #1021196, California, Colorado, Nevada, and Texas

Over 35 years of broad in-depth experience proven by a comprehensive real estate career.

From managing a high rise on Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles and executing large office leases, to selling a mid- rise building in Orange County as the sole broker on a real estate transaction valued at $51Million she demonstrates her broad-based negotiation skills and ability to work with high net individuals and CEO’s of major corporations.

As a General Partner in Limited Partnerships structured to acquire land in Arizona and Nevada, along with developing fourplexes from site selection, design, permits, building, occupancy, to take out loan and sale; she demonstrates her ability to understand the various complexities in the real estate market from ground up to successful funding of mortgage loans.

As a VP at a local community bank, a SBA preferred lender in San Diego she consulted with

clients of depository branches, commercial real estate brokers, small business owners, CPA’s, and attorneys on all aspects of the SBA real estate backed mortgage loan programs. Reviewing extensive financial statements and documents to package a loan for successful funding she demonstrates her knowledge of compliance with loan programs and the inter- workings of a mortgage banking experience.

As a residential Realtor, during the great financial crisis and real estate melt down of 2008, specializing in short sales to help homeowners keep their homes by restructuring their debt with their lenders, or assisting them in the short sale of their property on the best

terms; she demonstrates the ability to negotiate through emotional and financial complexities to achieve the best outcome for all parties.

With NEXA Mortgage she works for you. Whether one is inquiring about a $100,000 loan or a $10,000,000 mortgage loan request her commitment to educate you, the borrower, and guide you through successful funding is not to be underestimated.

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